Crystal Magik

Black Quartz Raw


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Black Quartz can serve as a strong anchor, radiating positive energy and also serves as a talisman for the root chakra.  This stone will keep you grounded, and can be very useful when embarking on your spiritual journey.

Black Quartz is said to ward off negativity and will help to cleanse so you only attract positive vibrations. This amazing stone can restore balance and bring happiness into your life.

It’s also said to have a powerful connection with the root chakra, helping to ground and center the wearer. Black Quartz is believed to help clear blockages in all 7 main chakras, allowing energy to flow freely through them.

Furthermore, this stone has many additional benefits such as providing physical protection from electromagnetic frequencies and radiation exposure. Moreover, it brings out inner strength, courage, and power by bringing suppressed emotions into conscious awareness. Plus, Black Quartz stimulates creativity and encourages positive thoughts.