Crystal Encyclopedia
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Agate – Black
- Grounds & protects
- Brings calmness & peace during times of bereavement
- Gives inner strength to move on & is also very helpful in keeping the peace in stressful households
- Helps keep one steady when faced with practical decision-making or when doling out ‘tough love’
- Physically it alleviates problems of the bones & joints, mobility issues & pain of the shoulder or neck.
- It keeps the body in balance, especially as one ages

- Throat healer
- Helps us speak our truth
- Gives confidence in our voice
- Calming
- Brings peace, tranquility, hope & unity
- Is cleansing
- Encourages joy
- Aids with expressing our emotions
- Calms anger
- Helps us to appreciate nature

- Can help one to release & let go to heal
- Has an anti-depressant quality
- It promotes an understanding of the need for deeper meaning.
- Stimulates the exploration of the unknown & furthers one’s quest toward the enlightened state
- Promote creative ability in any project or goal
- Soothing & calming qualities
- Energizes the auric body by bringing in Universal & Unconditional Love
- Promotes love & compassion
- Great for achieving stability & balance in many aspects of one’s life
- Improve mental functions & can help bring clarity & stability

- Support & encouragement
- Elevates thoughts
- Promotes optimism
- Also called the Laughter stone or Happy Lace Agate
- Helps create a circular flow or energy
- Promotes mental agility, liveliness, flexibility in thought & action
- Brings people together
- Stabilizing, strengthening & balancing
- Harmonizes Yin & Yang
- Promotes inner stability, composure & emotional maturity
- Encourages self confidence
- Great to use during pregnancy

- Helps us reach our highest potential
- Protects us from fear & self-doubt
- Inspires us to manifest & nurture our dreams
- Its energy ignites a passion to pursue dreams and live life to the fullest
- Helps us to better expose deep trauma that we sometimes carry to help ease in release it
- Helps to release the constraints one has unknowingly placed upon themselves
- Helps one bridge the gap between emotions & reality by activating & connecting our heart & root Chakras together

- Stone of dreams & Goddess energy
- Promotes inner stability, composure & maturity
- Acts as a psychic stimulator & protector
- Encourages security, courage & self-confidence
- Allows for deep & intense levels of meditation
- Stabilizes & balances one’s energy
- Is the caller of visions & dreams
- Soothes, calms & protects which makes it great for those who feel they are too sensitive to energy
- Offers a sense of emotional protection from negativity & it helps one feel more connected to one’s higher source

- Associated with nature, agriculture, new beginnings & with nature spirits & bringing Earth energy into its healing
- Put around plants to foster better growth
- Assists the planet with its healing as well
- Considered a “birthing” crystal that can assist midwives in their work
- It helps to release old habits & promote forgiveness
- Can help attract wealth & abundance
- Improves self-esteem, & helps to calm & release fears
- Great for achieving stability & balance in many aspects of one’s life

- Helps with healing, self-acceptance & transformation
- Helps to heal & balance the sacral Chakra
- Can quietly boost your creativity & help initiate transformation in your life
- Aids in releasing suppressed emotional issues so healing can occur
- Encourages problem solving
- Great for anxiety & stress
- Grounding & spiritual stone
- Helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the Chakras
- Great for achieving stability & balance in many aspects of one’s life

Agate – Red Banded
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius, Aries
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Banded Agate is a healing stone for body, mind & spirit
- It can increase concentration, honesty & memory
- Protects the wearer from psychic attack, thereby preventing negative energy from harming you
- Promotes physical grounding, protection & enhances your connection to the physical realm
- Helps you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you
- Reduces negativity
- Enhances your divine feminine power, creativity, stability & physical strength
- Allows you to go with the flow, even during difficult times
- Harmonizes your Yin & Yang energies & balances positive & negative emotions
- Assists you while you work with universal forces & energies in magic and ritual

- Is great for non-verbal expression
- Is a good energy filter, blocking geopathic stress as well as electromagnetic pollution emitted from electronics
- Soothes aggravation & emotional trauma, eases irritation, & calms
- Also assists the user in seeing different sides of the same issue, balances masculine & feminine energy as well as different personality traits
- Can be used to connect & communicate with Fairies & Nature Spirits
- The “Stone of Success & Abundance” attracting focus & good luck
- Can aid in a peaceful transition when it is time to leave this life
- Aligns the physical & subtle bodies, & assists in balancing the yin & yang (male & female) energies
- Can assist with throat, thyroid, sinus, chest & lung issues, breast health, upper spine & recovery after surgery/illness
- Use to help in maintaining overall health & a healthy lifestyle

- Stimulates all psychic abilities, intuition, spiritual/divine connection, spiritual awareness
- Clears & repairs holes in the aura
- Encourages inner strength
- A powerful stone for psychic protection
- Used to recover from physical addictions
- Transmutes lower vibrations into higher frequencies
- Strengthens the aura against negative energies
- Strengthens purpose, hope, freedom & leads to peace & balance

Astrological Sign – Gemini, Libra
Chakras – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Ametrine is a powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine
- Connects physical & spiritual realms
- Amethyst part of Ametrine can help one experience Divine Guidance, while the Citrine aspect allows for this guidance to be assimilated into one’s life
- Is a very soothing stone, believed to be valuable for those with chronic, long-term diseases
- Used to enhance creativity & learning, helps to produce creative solutions to difficult problems whether work-related or personal
- Combines masculine & feminine energy & helps bring harmony with others
- Helps to remove negativity from the physical body as well as the auric field, filling the area with the light & energy of love & healing
- Assists in removing blockages from all bodies – physical, mental, spiritual

- The spiral shape of these fossilized creatures symbolizes continual change & evolution
- It draws off all negative energies, think of the spirals as filters, drawing in dense energies which are no longer needed, moving them through the spirals & releasing them as fresh, positive, loving life force energies
- Is a very powerful earth healing fossil
- Ammonites have absorbed cosmic energy over eons of time & help to stimulate the life force (Chi) within
- Often used for activating Kundalini and life path energies
- Attracts health, prosperity & success
- Physically it increases stamina & vitality, it works with issues of blood pressure or problems with the ears, lungs & degenerative disorders

- Stone of manifestation
- Stimulates the development of our psychic gifts & spiritual attunement, deepening meditation & aiding communication & self-expression on all levels
- Balances the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies & stimulates under activity
- Increases motivation
- Draws off negativity about oneself & others
- Enhances creativity & the intellect
- Clears confusion & frustration, reducing irritability & awakening the inner self
- Expands knowledge & truth, helps ease sorrow, apathy & anger
- Heals the heart & emotions

- Opens spiritual awakening & intensifies your inner visions
- Relief from stress, tension & anxiety
- Energy helps to make you feel calmer & more relaxed
- Powerful clearing & cleansing properties
- Boosts other stone’s energy
- Absorbs negative thought patterns & negative energy
- Helps to regulate body functions
- Helps treat asthma & other breathing problems, skin regeneration
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Enhances your memory & improves mental clarity

Apophyllite – Green
Astrological Sign – Gemini, Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 6
- Brings clarity to decisions & situations of the heart by allowing the holder to see all sides of the issue, untainted by fear or ego
- Can assist in the “letting go” of issues that no longer serve & allow the act of forgiveness & healing
- Balances the emotions with a gentle, loving energy & enhances spiritual growth
- Powerful clearing & cleansing properties
- Can also be used to connect with the energies of Mother Earth & nature
- Opens a psychic channel, which can be used for communications with plant, animal, fairy & elemental energy
- Physically, aids in degenerative disease & diseases of the tissues
- Helps to remove toxins from the body, be it physical or emotional & aids in the recovery from illness
- Use Green Apophyllite when creating any type of healing environment

Astrological Sign – Aries, Gemini, Pisces
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Is a “Stone of Courage, Protection & Empowerment”
- Supports us with a gentle energy of power without force
- Brings harmony to arguments through loving communication
- Soothes, calms & protects against fears, anxiety & phobias
- Clears communication blocks & helps to promote verbal self-expression
- Encourages intellectual growth & inner knowledge
- Can facilitate the releasing of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve us
- Helps overcome judgment of others & encourages tolerance
- Helps with reasoning & promotes logic

Astrological Sign – Capricorn
Chakra – Root, Sacral & Crown
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Grounding
- Used for clearing blockages of energy in ley lines & for healing geopathic stress
- Promotes focus & concentration which is great for students
- Meditate with this stone to ground spiritual in to the lower Chakras, raising all vibration of the body
- Brings peace & serenity to volatile situations
- Calms, centers, stabilizes & increases patience even in the most challenging circumstance
- Enhances & encourages sensitivity & generosity
- Can help one to overcome stagnation in their personal growth
- Helps relieve stress & nerve problems that may lead to restlessness, twitching or spasms

Aragonite – Blue
Astrological Sign – Capricorn
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Gives you a joyful & optimistic approach in life
- Calming & helps you to focus
- Has a gentle positive vibration
- Helps you enjoy & appreciate small things
- Helps you to see things as they are & adapt accordingly
- Boosts the personal capacity to communicate better at all levels
- Helps reduce stress, highly recommended to those who work in exhausting & mentally draining environments
- Improves the vibration & energies throughout the body
- Helps against nerve or bone injuries, but it will also work against restlessness, twitching & spasms, insomnia

Astrological Sign – Gemini
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Aids with reconciling difficulties & helps you to see the bigger picture
- In partnerships or in groups, it helps you to see both sides of the situation
- Can support you through change & transitions of any kind
- Can also help you to break & restructure habits and/or patterns that are limiting your progress & holding you back
- Can be used when working on removing energy blockages, physically & in the aura
- Meditate with Arfvedsonite for journeying & to receive energetic downloads as well as guidance

Astrological Sign – Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 9
- “Believe & you will achieve” stone
- Helps to release old patterns & programming without any guilt
- Assists & guides to reaching one’s full potential allowing for the recognition/realization that there truly are no limitations or obstacles
- Helps to protect & guide during astral travel, out of body time & dreams
- Increases sensitivity of touch & perception which is an excellent tool for those working in alternative healing fields
- Works with hormonal & reproductive systems including PMS & menopause issue

Astrophyllite & Garnet
Astrological Sign –
Chakra –
Numerical Vibration –

Auralite 23
Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – All 7
Numerical Vibration – 33
- It acts as a bridge to the divine & has an open channel to the Angelic Realms
- It assists in connection to our guides & angels & increases our psychic sensitivity
- It brings a calmness to our lives
- It tones down anger & cools hot tempers
- It teaches us to think before we speak or take action & offers insights into truth
- It opens, heals & activates all seven Chakras of the body
- Heals spiritually & brings about inner purification
- Enhances lucid dreaming
- Creates balanced awakenings & helps us remember our past lives

Aventurine – Blue Astrological Sign – Aries Chakra – Throat Numerical Vibration – 3

Aventurine – Green
Astrological Sign – Virgo, Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Stimulates creativity, imagination, independence & motivation
- Soothes & calms emotions
- Balances yin/yang energies
- Guards against psychic “vampires” from draining energy
- Improves disorders of the heart, lungs, adrenal glands, muscle & skeletal disorders, brain disorders & overall health
- Clears electromagnetic pollution
- Reduces negative energy
- Enhances success, abundance & brings luck

Aventurine – Red
Astrological Sign – Aries
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Enhances creativity, prosperity, diffuses negativity, & balances the male-female energies
- Helps to ground excess energies within the body
- Helps create balance & harmony in the home
- Helps to absorb electromagnetic smog & other environmental pollutants
- Helps to balance blood pressure, lower cholesterol & burn fat
- Assists in the area of fertility, reproductive organ issues, cancer & hormonal imbalances

Aventurine – Yellow
Astrological Sign – Aries
Chakra – Solart Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Opens & balances the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Balances energies for those who are oversensitive or indecisive
- Aids those who have problems with power & control
- Helps focus intentions for manifesting a sense of ease in being yourself
- The golden light of Yellow Aventurine fills one with compassion & understanding, alleviating grief & centering the emotions
- Can assist in removing toxins & enhance the flow of energy through the body
- Balances Yin-Yang energies, eases anxiety & expands the flow of creativityIs an anti-inflammatory, as well as eases migraine headaches, allergies & sinus issues

Astrological Sign – Aquarius
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Used to promote focus, visualization & shamanic journeying
- Helps to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by a lot of responsibilities while also increasing your energy levels to deal with them
- Relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation
- A stone of transformation & change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance
- Encourages cohesiveness, so would be very helpful in group &/or relationship dynamics
- Physically, reduces fevers, eases the effects of degenerative muscle conditions, & get you back on your feet after major surgeries
- Supports transformation by aiding travel between the physical plane & realms of astral & spirit

Astrological Sign – Aries, Libra, Scorpio & Pisces
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 6
- Repels undesired influences
- Dispels negative energy & defends against the Evil Eye
- Powerful healing stone
- Aides with purifying & detoxing the body
- Helps bring love into any situation
- Assists in enhancing the functions of the mind, bringing clarity & understanding to subjects that were unfamiliar
- Enhances intuition & creativity
- Soothes & relaxes the mind
- Eliminates confusion, aggression, impatience & irritability
- Calms anxiety & dispels melancholy

Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Can help alleviate the nervous anxiety that comes from new situations
- Grounds
- Instills a sense of “stillness”
- Allows you to be more objective to see the bigger picture & make a more informed decision
- Enhances creativity & forward-thinking
- Dispels negative energy, especially for those under “psychic attack” & sends the negativity back to its sender
- Eases stress
- Warms the extremities, helps with digestion & supports healthy kidney function
- Balances the body’s pH level & enhances the assimilation of iron

Calcite – Aqua
Astrological Sign –
Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer
Chakra – Heart, Throat
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Heals the heart & encourages self-forgiveness & compassion
- Purges negative or stagnant emotions & releases cycles of self-neglect
- Promotes healthy habits & positive self-care rituals
- Aids in communicating with higher beings
- Facilitates a connection with ancient cultures (especially Atlantis and Lemuria)
- Enhances soul mate connections
- Connects you with your spirit guides, guardian angels, & spirit guides
- Heals past life trauma
- Encourages peace, calms, reduces anxiety & stress
- Promotes spiritual growth & ascension

Calcite – Blue
Astrological Sign – Pisces & Cancer
Chakra – Throat & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Soothes the emotional body
- Softens the impact of psychic stimuli, allowing those who are energetically sensitive to relax
- Provides a cocoon of gentle blue light which wraps around the auric field of those who carry it
- Enables one to float gently out of body
- Stimulates creativity
- Enhances dreaming
- Helps to express the insights received from inner exploration in words, music or art

Calcite – Caribbean Blue
Astrological Sign – Taurus & Libra
Chakra – 3rd Eye & Crown
Numerical Vibration –
- The combination of blue calcite & aragonite makes this stone very soothing
- Activates the mind & helps to remove blockages in the 3rd eye & stimulates one’s intuitive & psychic abilities
- Can aid in developing inner vision & clairvoyance
- Brings a sense of calm & serenity which allows one to easily “slip” out of their body & ascend to higher vibrations
- Enhances perspective of your dreams & is also a source that aids in lucid dreaming & astral travel
- Helps to calm anxiety & helps to relieve stress
- Promotes new beginnings, inner peace, inner vision, mental enhancment, expanded awarness & self-discovery
- Encourages living in the present moment, sense of purpose & emotional understanding

Calcite – Chocolate
Astrological Sign – Cancer
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Highly grounding & stabilizing energy
- Brings a sense of inner balance & aids to expand awareness
- Creates a sense of emotional stability
- Reminds you that whatever you’re feeling will pass
- Empowers & encourages you to use to use your energies constructively
- A stone of abundance & increases your awareness of your potential prosperity
- Supreme cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, & works on all levels from the physical to the etheric
- Used to clear negativity in the environment, such as your home or office

Calcite – Honey
Astrological Sign – Cancer, Leo, Pisces
Chakra – Sacral, Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 11, 3
- Is a stone of empowerment
- Gently amplifies energy & psychic abilities via the 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras
- Can pull down Divine & Angelic energies through the body, helping one to relax into life & create a state of allowing
- Eases the challenges that sometimes come with change & creates balance
- Has a gentle & loving energy vibration that can calm the over-anxious mind to help with meditation & sleep
- Enables us to realize we are strong enough to persevere through anything
- Brings in extra motivation when needed for long-term projects & goals

Calcite – Lemon
Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration –
- Encourages playfulness, lightheartedness & confidence
- Lemon calcite healing properties are powered by the Sun, & are super energizing & healing
- Sets our path of self examination, specifically diving to the depths of our motivation (or lack thereof)
- Promotes focus, confidence, & determination on all levels
- Makes it impossible to avoid the issues it has forced out into the open
- Promotes transformation, manifestation, peace of mind, new beginnings, spiritual awakening, motivation, self-discipline & self-discovery

Calcite – Orange Banded
Astrological Sign – Cancer & Leo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Is a stone of endurance, charisma, & sexual energy
- Enhances creativity, pleasure, passion, will & removes depression
- Energizes & cleanses the lower chakras
- Ignites & sustains the fires of creativity & expansion
- White calcite is a crystal of contentment & clarity
- Helps strengthen your spiritual practice & understanding
- Raises consciousness & awakens psychic abilities
- Restores motivation & accelerates growth & development
- Promotes high frequencies of joy, health, love & prosperity
- Helps with urinary tract disorders, liver, spleen & kidney function, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, & chronic fatigue

Calcite – Pink Banded
Astrological Sign –
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Thought to bring good fortune, balance & self control
- Is a stone of happiness, good fortune & inner strength
- Perfect stone for those under mental or emotional stress, as it brings balance to mind or body as well as a sense of security
- Soothes the heart from conflict & confusion, softens the sting of anger & overwhelming frustration
- Aids you by balancing ALL energy centers, ensuring all spin the proper direction & speed that they have been assigned
- Can aid in meditation practices by helping to connect to Source
- Connects you to memories & feelings that remind you of when you were at your happiest

Calcite – Pink Mangano
Astrological Sign – Cancer
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Powerful stress reliever that soothes anxiety & tension
- Removes fears & reduces nightmares & night terrors
- Amplifies energy & is a great Reiki stone
- Is a calming stone that helps heal the heart Chakra & fills the heart with Universal & Divine Love
- Promotes self-acceptance, self-confidence, & self-worth
- Encourages connection with the Angels & Angelic Realm
- Deep healer of space & time & brings in self-love
- A true healer of the heart, one is able to push forward through any lingering trauma or pain that may have gone unresolved
- Allows one to find resolution while extinguishing the negative filled emotions within

Calcite – Pistachio
Astrological Sign – Taurus, Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Known as the stone of transformation
- Can be used to cleanse both the physical body as well as the energy field
- Opens your sacred heart to receive love from the spiritual realm
- It encourages tolerance, compassion, & understanding
- Promotes communication, transformation, self-love & self discovery
- Helps your mind process any major changes you might be going through
- Helps balance your emotions when dealing with a change of heart
- Opens up a clear communication channel to ourselves & others

Calcite – Rose
Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Helps channel communication between the heart & the mind
- It opens doors for us to new opportunities in our personal journeys
- Helps us reconcile change & see the blessings in our lives
- Its a stone of comfort, tenderness, & calm
- Is a natural stress reliever that wards off anxiety & worry
- An excellent stone for those of us who suffer a crisis of identity or traumatic events
- An excellent crystal for teenagers as they struggle to find their true selves
- It gently guides us through transitions & change
- Helps us gain perspective on our past, insight in our present & foresight to our futur

Calcite – Yellow
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius, Pisces
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 55
- Enhances one’s will & self-confidence
- Heals & balances
- Can infuse one with a sense of new hope & optimism to face the future
- Helps improve where people are pessimistic, sarcastic, or overly analytical
- Called “the great eliminator”
- Helps people with anger management issues to soothe the fire within that often causes violence
- Used to assist in hormonal imbalances, painful muscles & detoxification of the kidneys
- Helps calm anxieties & soothe the nerves

Astrological Sign – Cancer & Leo
Chakra – Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 5 & 6
- Calms fear about death & rebirth
- Brings serenity & acceptance of the circle of life
- Increase personal power & physical energy, courage, creativity, & compassion
- Enhances vitality & will
- Calms & grounds
- Encourages initiative & determination
- Increase blood circulation, appetite, aids in impotency
- Alleviates problems with liver, bladder, kidneys & spleen, allergies, asthma, back problems, edema, colon disorders, gallbladder, blood pressure, urinary tract issue, pancreas, rheumatism, scoliosis
- Helps with anxiety
- Diffuses anger & rage

Astrological Sign – Gemini, Libra
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 2 & 8
- Is revered for its high frequency & Divine energies & is known as a powerful healing crystal
- Connects one with the Angelic realms, allowing for the free-flow of these higher frequencies
- Brings mental calm & clarity in the midst of any chaotic circumstance
- Can allow one to easily flow through a traumatic period & still come out on top
- Relieves stress, anxiety & obsessive behaviours
- Brings harmony & balance & will assist the holder in finding & maintaining inner peace
- A perfect companion to use during dream time to assist in recalling specific details of the dream

Astrological Sign – Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Is a stone of acceptance, transformation & insight
- Is a wonderful, spiritual stone teaching & guiding us on how to live in the “Now”
- Is a stone of service & altruism, reminding us that Service to All is the realization of Connection to ALL
- It opens the Heart so that love can clearly be seen & deeply felt
- Raises your vibration & holds you in a state of “no mind”
- Helps you to see life lessons clearly, that were “self inflicted” for you to gain further insight into the experience
- Helps to access knowledge during the dream state
- Provides healing on all levels- physical, emotional & spiritual
- Removes/transmutes negativity & overcomes obsessive/compulsive behaviors
- Enhances past life visions, supports your life path, & grounds the Spiritual self into everyday reality

Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Libra
Chakra – Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 3 & 4
- Also known as the Cross Stone because it contains a black cross pattern when seen in a cross-section
- In ancient China where it originated, it was a symbol of the four cardinal points north, south, east, west
- When placed in the center of the home, will fuse chi energy & radiate it outwards, thus welcoming health & harmony
- Protects & often worn to guard against negative energies, curses & the like
- Encourages creative thinking & problem-solving by getting rid of old thought patterns that have been keeping us from moving ahead
- Physically, it can help with nerve damage, muscle weaknesses, rheumatism, gout & can aide those who are debilitated by stroke or other paralysis

Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Stimulates dignity, vitality & power
- Can be very beneficial in the world of business & finance
- Helps to attract abundance
- Placing in cash box can produce an increase in income to the holder & can also help maintain the acquisition of wealth
- Aids in community work, helping to remember that “to give is Divine”
- Connects one with the source of all being
- Physically can assist in treating sexual dysfunction & infertility, used to support treatment of blood disorders & in the treating of fungal & viral infections.
- It is also an excellent stone for extracting energy blockages
Caution: Contains Mercury which can be poisonous/toxic! Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not use in elixirs.

Astrological Sign – Taurus, Gemini, Leo & Virgo
Chakra – Sacral, Solar Plexus & Crown
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Enhances mental clarity, self-confidence & will power
- Removes & deflects negative energy of all kinds
- Eliminates all fears caused by the influence of others
- Balances energy & aligns Chakras with ethereal plane
- Heightens sexuality & sensuality
- Excellent for dream recall
- Enhances personal power
- Protects against negative energy from abuse
- Activates one’s imagination & promotes honesty
- Brings a more positive outlook to the conscious & sub-conscious mind
- Increases energy & drive
- Stimulates abundance, prosperity & wealth

Citrine – Smoky
Astrological Sign – Leo, Gemini & Virgo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Absorbs negative energy, clearing & purifying the auras
- Together both the Smoky Quartz & Citrine combine their properties to transform negative emotions, bad habits & love wounds into positive manifestations of love & higher purpose
- Anchors your dreams into reality
- Increases levels of empowerment, self-esteem & self-confidence
- Stimulates & strengthens the intellectual & creative thinking faculties, encourages motivation, inspiration & self-expression

Cleavelandite Astrological Sign – Aquarius, Libra Chakra – Crown Numerical Vibration – 4

Coral – Agatized
Astrological Sign – Cancer & Pisces
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Supports trauma therapy & working through emotional issues
- Can facilitate the projection of energy to create, to sustain, to change & to modify
- Enhances imagination without hindering the integrity of the story
- Helps to alleviate weakness in the bones from osteoporosis & brittle bones disease
- Provides the primary energy toward the activation of the divine nature

Astrological Sign – Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Provides emotional comfort, thus helping to regain self-confidence
- Supports stability & clarity
- This “compass stone” is believed to guide your physical, emotional, & spiritual body in the direction that best serves you & your goals
- It calms the mind making way for creativity, problem-solving, & decision-making
- Removes all hesitations & distractions from the mind
- Responsible for your perception, awareness, & spiritual connection
- Awakens your natural psychic gifts by activating your 3rd eye
- Meditating with cordierite clears the mind &helps you hone in on your end-game
- Physical ailments this stone supports: insomnia, body aches, stress, digestion, poor vision, mental decline, & even hair loss
- May keep your body & all its moving parts functioning at their very best

Astrological Sign – Aries, Gemini, Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Is the strongest example of the healing green ray energy
- Use Emerald to bring love, loyalty, unity & wisdom to your life
- In groups, it can encourage bonding, & strengthen communication & understanding, helps each person to adequately express themselves without offending others
- Helps one to connect to Divine Love, opens the heart to accept all things in life as gifts, & acquire the ability to discern when others are speaking the truth or not
- Enhances memory & mental clarity
- Opens up psychic abilities, & enhance one’s ability to notice & manage synchronicities
- Attracts prosperity
- Amplifies hope & encouragement
- Helps to clarify & strengthen your intention for a positive outcome
- Assists in recovery from illness, & provides support during chronic conditions, detoxifies

Astrological Sign – Gemini
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Epidote enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones
- Increases perception & interaction with spiritual beings & brings spiritual growth
- Releases negativity & raises one’s vibrational energy
- Helps those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern
- Creates a sense of hopeful optimism into one’s emotional body,
- Helps to raise the vibration of the mind & body
- Clears congestion & energy blockages in the physical & subtle bodies
- Helps to balance & stabilize the energy flow in the body
- Helps dissipate tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area
- Creates a simple, calming, grounding, “back to Earth” vibration, which is good for those living in a high energy, city setting

Astrological Sign – Capricorn & Pisces
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 7 & 9
- Grounds & protects
- Cleanses the Chakras & the aura of any negative energy & shields the aura of psychic manipulation
- Increases intuitive abilities
- Grounds & Harmonizes Spiritual Energy
- Allows one to release the free spirit within
- Absorbs & neutralizes negative vibrations
- Enhances mental clarity & stability
- Absorbs negative energy in the environment
- Makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones

Fluorite – Blue
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Pisces
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Helps to amplify healing potential by tightly focusing brain activity
- Aids in orderly communication of intuitive insights
- Enhances spiritual awaking & clear communication between the physical & spiritual planes
- Enhances clairvoyance & clairaudience
- Brings about inner peace
- Helps to soften any negative words especially from those who are “brutally honest”
- Can help lessen arguments both at home & at work, thus speeding up the process of clearer communication
- Physically eases inflammation & illness of the throat & ears, improves the immune system, helps with Alzheimer’s & dementia, & can help with improving speech for those who have suffered brain trauma or illness

Fluorite – Green
Astrological Sign – Capricorn & Pisces
Chakra – Heart & Throat
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Detoxifies & energizes all the Chakras
- Gentle healer, heals emotionally & physically
- Dispels negative energy especially from the environment, such as electromagnetic smog from electronics
- Keeps you on track & focused on the job at hand
- Gently encourages the wondering mind, is great for struggling students
- Enhances personal growth & insights in your life
- Use it to enhance the environment where pollution & decay are present
- Heals scars, both emotional & physical

Fluorite – Purple
Astrological Sign – Capricorn & Pisces
Chakra – Crown & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 77
- Enhances intuition & brings order out of chaos
- Dispels negative energy especially from the environment, such as electromagnetic smog from electronics
- Promotes new ideas, brainstorming, & aids when you have writer’s block
- Enhances communication with spirit guides, angels & nature spirits
- Enhances the immune system & eases headaches (especially tension), helps bones & teeth, eases arthritis
- Helps heal scars both physical & emotional

Fluorite – Rainbow
Astrological Sign – Capricorn & Pisces
Chakra – Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, Crown
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Highly protective & stabilizing stone
- Great for grounding & harmonizing spiritual energy
- Increases intuitive abilities
- Brings mental clarity & stability to an otherwise chaotic situation
- Shields the user from psychic manipulation
- Absorbs negative energies from the environment
- Cleanses the Aura & Chakra fields

Fluorite – Yellow
Astrological Sign – Pisces
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Sort of a “general practitioner” stone loved by many healers
- Grounding
- Balances the mental mind with spiritual insight
- Helps keep our auric field clear & increases our energetic vibration
- Increases creative thought & allows intellect to soar
- Stabilizes the overactive or fearful mind
- Discourages reactions of jealousy or insecurity
- Effective at quieting night terrors
- Clears mental fog, confusion or conflicting ideas

Astrological Sing – Aquarius, Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 9
- A stone of rejuvenation & renewal
- Helps spark the joy & sweetness of our inner child, reminding us that the vitality of youth, no matter what the age
- Assists in the process of clearing/healing the various levels of consciousness
- Helps to achieve mental/emotional balance, tranquility, & a deepened sense of compassion, understanding & acceptance
- Intensifies the energy of nearby crystals
- Helpful for those who need to keep schedules, without feeling overwhelmed
- Good crystal for those who seek guidance from angels, faeries & other spirit guides
- Physically, it enhances tissue & cellular regeneration, improves one’s recuperative abilities & enhances the immune system
- Can alleviate symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome, spinal alignment problems, & muscle flexibility

Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration –
- Protects, cleanses & balances the Aura
- Fills the environment around it with positive light energy
- Transmutes all unwanted energy
- Helps connect the conscious mind with the sub conscious mind
- Known to have an ET origin & can bring otherworldly energies to Earth
- Attunes us to our sole purpose
- Encourages us to stop & take a look at our spiritual progress
- Stimulates astral travel & projection, intuition & intuitive development & self-acceptance

Astrological Sign – Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Chakra – Root, Heart & Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 11
- Inspires lightness & brightness
- Illuminates dark places & dark souls
- Brings joy & hope
- Lessens anger & depression
- Brings willpower, courage, self-confidence, compassion & honesty
- Cleanses the Chakras of negative energies & re-energizes them
- Balances
- Inspires love & passion, devotion & loyalty
- Encourages personal relationships
- Aides with abdominal/intestinal problems, anemia, arthritis, circulation, blood disorders, colic, exhaustion, fatigue, hyperactivity, impotence, kidney disorders, blood pressure, menopause, balances thyroid & health
- Increases sex-drive, vitality

Garnet – Green Grossular
Astrological Sign – Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Balances
- Symbolize hope & empowerment & all things that are loving & nurturing from Mother Earth
- Promotes growth & renewal & it signifies abundance & prosperity
- Helps keep emotions in check while at the same time bringing in the voice of reason
- Physically, it enhances the immune system, helps the heart & respiratory system, increases fertility & can aid in detoxification
- Helps to alleviate arthritis & rheumatism & to assimilate Vitamin A

Goldstone – Blue
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Use to increase telepathic communication
- Enhances empathic & hypersensitive abilities
- Helps one gain recognition
- Helpful for children who are afraid of the dark
- Encourages the discovery & acceptance of our authentic self
- Attracts fame & success
- Very strong generator of energy
- Helps to calm & focus the mind
- Aids in the channeling of psychic information
- Provides composure & stabilizes emotions
- Lifts the spirit & raises our vibration to higher octaves
- Stimulates courage, motivation, balance & ambition
- Promotes new beginnings, self-discovery & self-expression

Goldstone – Green
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius & Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Great stone for emotional healing
- Effective for physical healing especially pain & inflammation
- Great deflector of unwanted energy & is extremely protective
- Promotes abundance
- Nervous system stimulant, enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands to aid in long distance healing
- Heals & balances

Goldstone – Red
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Symbolizes the light that can always be found in the darkness
- Great money charm
- Stimulates the physical body
- Helps in attaining goals
- Influences one to overcome depression
- Helps deflect unwanted energies
- Used for channeling star wisdom
- Influences a positive attitude
- Great for the use of star magic
- Attracts an increase in pay
- Influences one to have a positive outlook on life
- Nervous system stimulant, enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands to aid in long distance healing

Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Charka – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Has an extremely fine vibration while remaining connected to the Earth
- Helps to combine higher intuition with mind/logic
- Helps to embrace the self, enhancing self-esteem & feelings of self-worth
- Use when working with issues of trust, be it self-trust or trust of others
- Is a strong support crystal
- Its lesson is to stay true to self, to stand up for what you believe without fear of judgment, guilt or criticism
- Encourages full & complete expression
- Can help release the bonds of rigid mindsets of the past & create an opening/infusion of the mind, allowing an infinite number of new & exciting possibilities to fill the space
- Cleans & clears electromagnetic pollution/smog from all areas
- Physically it aides imbalances, supports metabolism, strengthens the immune system & eases insomnia

Astrological Sign – Aquarius & Aries
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Balancing & grounding
- Promotes awareness & harmony, focus, courage
- Spiritual protection by absorbing negative energy
- Transforms negative energy into positive vibrations
- Protects against geopathic stress & electromagnetic smog
- Diffuse anger
- Use to detoxify & recover from addictions
- Great for blood disorders, kidney disorders, pain relief, circulatory problems, inflammation, insomnia, PMS, MS & promotes tissue health
- Encourages physical strength
- Balances yin/yang

Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Heart, Throat & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Promotes inner strength & psychic abilities
- Keeps you center yourself & lifts your emotions
- Boost your self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence
- Balances yin/yang energy
- Removes fear, doubt, anxiety & worry
- Reduces anger & selfishness
- Activates self-healing & unlocks a higher state of awareness
- Can alleviate headaches & ulcer-related pains, balances blood disorders & hormones
- Aids in weight loss
- Helps with PMS aches, bones disorders & arthritis pain

Astrological Sign – Gemini & Virgo
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Cleanses the aura
- Higher spiritual consciousness
- Opens the mind to receive energy
- Reduces anxiety, stress, &/or rage
- Calms & soothes emotions
- Slows the mind for deep & restful sleep
- Brings mental awareness to both current & past lives
- Absorbs anger & negative energy
- Strengthens positive character traits, removes selfishness, rude behaviours & greed
- Helps the body absorb calcium into the bones & teeth
- Balances emotions
- Assists in relaxing & releasing muscular tension
- Helps with osteoporosis & the skeletal system

Astrological Sign – Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Is very spiritually-oriented & can bring visions
- Can be used for dreamwork or easing insomnia by placing it under your pillow
- Promotes intuition & insights
- Calms emotions & releases stress
- Helps one to recognize the small voice within & to discern between this desired voice & one’s ego
- Use to reinforce the spiritual message & to assimilate it into one’s environment
- Helps with the ability to communicate messages to others with clarity
- Is an excellent aid for relationship issues in friendships, co-workers, parent-child relationships, love relationships, & so on
- Helps bring understanding to any situation & facilitating a resolution to difficult situations
- Helps ease the pain of headaches, migraines & eye strain

Jade (Jadeite, Imperial)
Astrological Sign – Aries, Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 9
- It’s stone of harmony, prosperity & abundance
- Brings cohesiveness to group settings, whether family or business colleagues
- Strengthens relationships & helps those recover after loss or separation
- It will increase a slow business as well as a failing garden
- Especially helpful for teenagers & children who are shy, lonely or dealing with changing hormones
- Use Jade to increase the ability to interpret dreams as well as induce lucid dreaming
- Physically aides in male reproductive disorders, repairs cells & bones, relieves pain & eases restless leg syndrome, cramps, & “Charlie horses”, increases healing after surgery & helps regulate high blood pressure

Jade – Lavender
Astrological Sign – Taurus, Sagittarius
Chakra – 3rd Eye, Crown
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Emanates pure energy of the highest etheric spectrum
- Draws angelic beings to its light
- Helps to dispel feeling of sadness, grief, worry or guilt
- Helps to purify our spirit
- Aids in releasing cynicism & restrains anger
- Aspire us to adopt a peaceful & serene attitude
- Soothing & calming when chaos is high
- Reduces the effects of fear or shock when something unexpected happens
- Encourages us to be brave enough for change
- Encourages us to look forward & not dwell on the past

Jade – Nephrite
Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Promotes sustainability & longevity
- A stone of abundance & prosperity
- Encourages peace & harmony
- Earth healing crystal & can bring abundance to the garden & home
- Aids with increased feelings of courage
- Help with Shamanic journeying & spirit guides connections
- Helps with overcoming childhood trauma
- Place under pillow to encourage dreams
- Protective stone that can be used to prevent accidents & other mishaps

Jade – Olive
Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Combines the green rays of growth with the yellow rays of pure sunshine
- Promotes growth, development, strength & maturity
- Enhances our receptiveness to new meanings & ideas
- Lights the path to wisdom & understanding
- It’s a talisman of the search for knowledge & enlightenment
- Lighter shades -Provides the perseverance needed in our quest for understanding the natural universe, efforts that require deep concentration, determination, & endurance for mental challenges
- Darker shades -is a “Study Stone,” aiding us in the long quest for a higher state of understanding or awareness
- Excellent for achieving goals that need deep constancy & long-term purpose

Jade – White
Astrological Sign – Libra & Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 11
- Calms, grounds & protects against negative energies
- Brings peace, harmony & luck
- Assists with decision making
- Great at blocking distractions allowing for the best results to reveal themselves
- Assists the body to heal itself, helps with bladder & kidney problems
- Eases the pain of arthritis & other joint illnesses, especially in the hips
- Also helps with fluid retention, high blood pressure & imbalances in blood sugar levels

Jade – Yellow
Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration –
- Said to be a stone of wisdom, helping users to learn from their experiences & gain self-confidence
- Soothes anxiety
- A powerful force of attraction for prosperity & good fortune
- Is a gentle yet powerful force of calm & clarity whilst also supporting harmony in every sphere of your life
- Encourages you to embody a more confident version of yourself
- Manages your ego, governs your sense of autonomy & personal power, as well as supports your search for authenticity & liberation
- Helps assist the spleen, thyroid, digestive system & increase metabolism

Jasper – Brecciated
Astrological Sign – Aries & Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Removes negativity from any space, returning it to its original source
- Stone of strength & vitality
- Grounding, calming & nurturing
- Can aid to bring mental clarity & focus to a previously scattered event
- Can bring stability & stimulate the rise of the Kundalini energy
- A detoxifying stone, promotes health & healing/recovery from illness
- Sustains & supports during times of stress, brings tranquility & wholeness
- Helps to unify all aspects of your life

Jasper – Bumble Bee
Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Sacral & Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Enables you to accept change
- Stimulates new opportunities, inspiration & optimism
- Increases self-esteem, self-awareness & self- consciousness
- Clears away any blocked energy in the Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras
- Raises the level of intensity & inspiration in creative expression
- Motivates us to never give up & to keep going forward
- Inspires us to venture into new places & down roads less traveled
- Aids in decision making without influence from the emotions
- Creates a coat that shields the entire auric field

Jasper – Dalmatian
Astrological Sign – Gemini
Chakra – Root & Solar-plexus
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Grounds & centers all bodies
- Helps to maintain balance & connection to etheric energies
- Calms & soothes animals
- Cleanses & purifies the aura
- Dispels negative energy & protects the user from harm
- Balances yin/yang
- Calming
- Emotional stabilizer
- Combats exhaustion & boredom
- Purifies the blood & strengthens the immune system
- Helps with IBS & constipation
- Encourages positive attitude, fosters happiness, invites good luck & improves life’s conditions

Jasper – Dragon’s Blood
Astrological Sign – Gemini, Leo, Virgo
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Promotes happiness, optimism & inner wisdom
- Assists with courage & strength when contemplating life changes
- Wonderful companion through times of grief or feelings of self-pity because it helps you to remember life’s beauty
- Encourages you to be more patient with yourself & others
- Helps you to better learn from past mistakes
- Enhances fertility & supports those suffering from multiple sclerosis
- Can be used to help with pain & also encourages immune system recovery after the cold or flu

Jasper – Fancy
Astrological Sign – Aries & Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Known as the “Stone of Tranquility”
- Promotes focus &/or concentration
- Can bring calm to overactive emotions clearing the way for rational ideas to come through
- Soothing on the energies especially of the mind
- Enables one to enjoy life
- Helps detoxify the body increasing blood circulation
- Can help alleviate stomach issues
- Great for balancing the subtle bodies & aligning the Chakras
- Promotes vitality & perseverance
- Can boost energy when running low

Jasper – Green Zebra
Astrological Sign – Taurus & Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Energy Vibration – 8
- Lends emotional support
- Strengthens self-control
- Boosts & recharges energy levels
- Its slow & steady vibration help avoid extremes
- Stone of determination, motivation & facing challenges
- Gives you a caring optimism even as you approach the most stressful of life’s tasks
- Balances the Chakras & the physical, emotional, intellectual & etheric bodies
- Encourages you to finish what you set out to do
- Helps you feel grounded & connected to Mother Earth

Jasper – K2
Astrological Sign – Gemini, Sagittarius
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 5 & 6
- K2, also known as “K2 Granite” & “Raindrop Azurite ”
- Helps strengthen the 3rd eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) & assist in opening the crown chakra
- Keeps you grounded while you access that “information from the heavens”
- Relieves worries, phobias & nagging, negative thoughts
- Is associated with the strength & resolve that comes from feeling harmonious & balanced in all aspects of life
- Helps anchor us to the earth while our spirit floats on puffy white clouds & converses with angels
- Physically it can help relieve stress, especially if you are prone to any conditions caused by stress

Jasper – Kambaba
Astrological Sign – Libra, Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Fosters a connection to Earth energy & ancient wisdom
- Aids with stability & deep feelings of being grounded
- Encourages assimilation of new thought patterns while releasing old ones
- Promotes strength & stability
- A stone of invention & inspiration helps artists, creators, musicians, & designers express that inspiration in reality through their creations
- Physically supports fertility, endurance & helps with dehydration as well as water retention
- Provides peace & tranquility
- Reminds us of the gift of life & our connection to all living things of the present, past & future
- It is said to help protect against the effects of EMFs

Jasper – Leopard skin
Astrological Sign – Gemini & Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Helps us connect/communicate with the animal kingdom in both the physical & spiritual planes
- Connects us to Shamanism helping us to discover our personal animal totems
- Aides in out of body experiences & journeying
- A powerful protection stone
- Associated with strength & vitality, & brings stability to chaotic energies
- Attracts certain circumstances & people conducive to one’s own personal growth
- Immense healing energies for those with chronic illnesses
- Sustains & supports during times of stress
- Brings tranquility & wholeness
- Unifies all aspects of your life

Jasper – Mookaite
Astrological Sign – Virgo & Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Powerful healing stone
- A nurturing stone that supports & sustains during times of stress
- Brings Peace & a feeling of wholeness
- Aides in decision making & encourages versatility to help accept changes
- Provides us with emotional growth
- Helps us cope with grief & loneliness
- Helps to stimulate ones with laziness & procrastination

Jasper – Ocean (Orbicular)
Astrological Sign – Capricorn
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Nurtures & protects
- Encourages patience
- Helps to release emotional blockages & rid us of pent-up anger
- Is a stone of joy & renewed enthusiasm for the cycles of life
- Eases depression
- Encourages empathy towards others while at the same time preventing rivalries
- Helps to remove chronic stress when placed over the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Excellent stone to help in detoxing
- Helps the body assimilate nutrients from food & enhances the digestive system
- Helps to alleviate inner-ear problems, thyroid disorders & of course, ease seasickness

Jasper – Picasso
Astrological Sign – Taurus, Leo & Virgo
Chakra – Crown & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Excellent stone for mediation due to its calming & soothing energy
- Helps you connect to the beauty within, the beauty of life & being able to see the beauty in others
- Transforms ideas into action & stimulates the imagination & creativity
- Can boost artistic gifts
- Absorbs negative energy
- Protective & healing stone
- Helps to relieve stress, anxiety & depression
- Activates circulation to improve digestion & healing carpal tunnel
- Can create greater clarity & clear thoughts

Jasper – Picture
Astrological Sign – Leo & Capricorn
Chakra – Root & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Aids in bringing goals & dreams into reality
- Balances & aligns Chakras
- Use to help stop smoking
- Helps to strengthens bones, immune system support, kidney disorders, muscle pain & gall bladder
- Helps with fear, reduces stress & tension
- Helps with skin infections & irritations
- Promotes courage, confidence, vitality & perseverance
- To begin a new business venture without the fear of failure
- Encourages creative visualization & can be an aide in bringing your goals & dreams into reality

Jasper – Rainforest (Rhyolite)
Astrological Sign – Aquarius
Chakra – Heart, Root
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Promotes a connection with Gaia & nature
- Instills respect to all living things
- Enhances love & trust in a relationship
- Helps to eliminate procrastination & distractions
- Assist one in letting go of burdens which no longer act to serve in one’s life
- Promotes feelings of hope, renewal, & energy
- Stimulates creativity
- Wonderful stone to work with if you suffer from depression, nature-deficit disorder, need to more actively engage in the life around you
- Helps us deal with past-life issues & heal old & deep emotional wounds in this lifetime as well
- Fortifies the immune system, treats influenza, colds & minor infections, also to detoxify the body & treat the liver

Jasper – Red
Astrological Sign – Scorpio & Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Protects, grounds & heals
- Gives the courage to speak out
- Balances the energy in the body
- Purifies & balances the emotional energy in the body
- Allows for deeper insight into personal difficulties
- Helps release guilt & shame
- Assist in dream recall & astral travel
- Helps strengthen personal boundaries
- Pushes us to accomplish set goals
- Stimulates the imagination
- Used to overcome addiction
- Awakens the Kundalini energy
- Helps attain spiritual enlightenment
- Promotes confidence, patience & persistence

Jasper – Yellow
Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Protects during all types of spiritual work & travel
- Helps to ease issues for one who is clumsy or accident prone
- Generates a boost of positive energy which infuses the body, mind & spirit
- Protects & clears the body of environmental toxins & impurities
- Helps to cleanse & detoxify our internal organs the liver, gall bladder & intestines
- Helps to strengthen the immune system
- Relieves nausea & indigestion
- Helps to absorbs chronic pain from our bodies

Jasper – Zebra
Astrological Sign – Virgo & Libra
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 11
- See past illusions
- Shows you your true nature
- Grounding
- Connects to mother earth
- Promotes courage & peace
- Protection
- Nurturing
- Connects to divine love
- Instill the sense that everything will be ok & everything is happening as it should
- Stimulates energy, stamina, endurance
- Good for bones, teeth, things like osteoporosis & bone disorders
- Overcome apathy
- Transform ideas into action

Astrological Sign – Capricorn
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification & protection properties
- Clears the aura of impure energies
- Can clear others crystal
- Healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines & enhanced healing of traumatic injuries
- Aids in relieving grief & can help one understand the original purpose & lesson to be learned
- Facilitates the release of negative behavior patterns & old emotional attachments
- Promotes rapid spiritual growth
- Can calm the nerves & hyperactive children
- Can bring clarity to a confusing situation by bringing unique insights from variant perspectives

Astrological Sign – Aries, Libra, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Highly spiritual stone
- Connects to the source of unconditional Love, producing loving thoughts & actions
- Centers, enhances creativity & self-expression
- Projects a deep sense of Peace
- Stone of romantic love, helps heal heartache
- Promotes self-love, humility & self-tolerance
- Strengthens our energy field & clears the aura
- Aides with clearing negative energy from a room or environment
- Dispels negativity & removes emotional baggage, replacing the void with Divine Love
- Wonderful stone to use for depression & anxiety

Kyanite – Black
Astrological Sign – Taurus, Libra & Aries
Chakra – All, especially Earth Star & Root
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Clears all energy blockages & imbalances within the Chakras
- Aligns, grounds & centers the Chakras
- Encourages the examination of all aspects of oneself
- Deepens our connection to the physical, natural world
- Great for healers, as it is both grounding & energizing
- Restores Qi (Ki) to the body & balances yin-yang energies
- Removes attached entities & energies from the Auric Field
- Dream crystal that helps one remember their dreams
- Aids the development of Clairvoyance & triggers psychic visions
- Supports environmental healing
- Stimulates creativity, strength & power

Kyanite – Blue
Astrological Sign – Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Libra
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Protects the wearer from negative energy during astral projection
- Protects the Aura & destroys all negative energy
- Excellent aid to meditation
- Restores energy balance
- Builds a telepathic bridge between two people
- Creates a bridge to connect to higher dimensions
- Will assist in the elevation of one’s consciousness
- Its high vibrations raises the vibrations of the wearer
- Assists in self-healing, the development of intuition & dream re-call

Kyanite – Green
Astrological Sign – Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Aids in finding the highest spiritual purpose for incarnation
- Balances the Heart Chakra & helps maintain heart balance
- Aligns & opens all the Chakras & energy centers
- Transmits & amplifies high frequency energies
- Allows one to see their true nature
- Supports changes in our heart that must be made in order to follow our path
- Balances one with nature & Mother Earth
- Helps the physical & etheric bodies focus energy & intention on our highest good
- Facilitates one’s connection with their deepest truth within the heart
- Helps one to identify motives of others
- Facilitates astral projection, lucid dreaming & other dream work
- Helps one discover their inner voice for personal growth

Astrological Sign – Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 6, 7
- Highly mystical
- Heightens intuition & enhances psychic abilities
- Balances intuition & intellect
- Dispels illusions to show true intentions more clearly
- Protects against negative energies & also protects the aura & seals the aura from energy leaks
- Balances & strengthens
- A stone of transformation & change
- Strengthens will power & feelings of worth
- Helps to heal old memories including past life issues
- Aids in communicating with our highest self & the creator
- Great stone for dealing with addiction or to break unhealthy habits (mental, physical, etc)

Lapis Lazuli
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius & Taurus
Chakra – Throat, 3rd Eye & Crown
Vibrational Energy – 3
- Supports inner truth & power
- Brings love
- Enhances intuition & manifestation
- Cleanses & strengthens the mind, body & soul
- Supports friendships & greater bonds with relationships
- Brings more confidence
- Protects against psychic attacks
- Shields against psychic attacks
- Relieves stress
- Brings self-understanding & self-awareness
- Heightens creativity & clarity
- Helps you speak your truth

Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Libra
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Known as “the stone of transition”
- Helps to shift & restructure old energy patterns, bringing light & hope to a situation
- Balances your emotions with your intellect
- Helps receive higher vibrations from the higher realms into the subconscious
- Aides in reducing stress associated with change
- Brings balance & inner peace, helping one to see reasons behind any negative experiences, so they can improve on them
- Promotes spiritual transcendence & cosmic awareness, particularly assisting in the course of meditation
- Known to alleviate depression & soothe those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Can be a parent’s ally to kids with ADHD, hyper activity disorder
- Helps to reduce insomnia & sleep disorders

Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Scorpio
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Protects the auric field by creating a strong barrier around the wearer energetically
- Reminds the wearer about the duality of nature
- Fortifies one’s Aura against attachments
- Absorbs energy & draws emotions to the surface
- Clears & activates all The Chakras
- Brings about a healing & positive transformation
- Amplifies positive & negative energy
- Helps one to open their heart to others
- Absorbs pollution, purifies & shields against radioactivity
- Brings balance & fidelity to relationships with other people
- To help get rid of nightmares, keep a piece of Malachite in your bedroom
- Stimulates imagination, enhanced creativity, adventure, intuition & self-reflection

Astrological Sign – Gemini
Chakra – Solar Plexus, 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Dispels negative energy
- Stimulates Shamanic journeying, mediumship, psychic abilities, past-life recall & spirit communications
- Helps one to see the greatest beauties in life
- Aids communication with archetypal energies of nature (plant devas, animal spirits & elemental allies)
- Allows one to see there are truly no mistakes in life
- Encourages self-forgiveness, self-acceptance & self-love
- Gives one the courage to face one’s shadow self & consciously integrate that aspect
- Heals spiritual wounds
- Can assist one to move into more light-centered energies
- Balances Yin-Yang energy (masculine & feminine energies)

Astrological Sign – All signs
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 2 & 6
- Is extraterrestrial in nature, as these crystals were formed about 20 million years ago when meteors crashed to the Earth
- Enhances inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, & awareness of inter-dimensional or extraterrestrial energies
- Reminds us how our Earth is but one place in a much larger system of cosmic consciousness
- Effects can range from powerful to subtle, depending on the person
- Accelerates spiritual growth
- Opens the chakras to higher frequencies of energy
- Enhances energetic connections between the etheric fields & the chakras
- Use a grounding stone for 5-10 minutes after working with your Moldavite to ground your energy & prevent spaciness

Moonstone – Black
Astrological Sign – Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Chakra – Root, Sacral, 3rd Eye & Crown
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Activates Kundalini energy, teaches emotional balance, awakens intuition, & empowers spells
- Helps us to step back from intense situations & look at them critically & without emotional judgment
- A stone of “New Beginnings”
- Encourages us to sit with ourselves in non-judgment & accept “what is”
- Is a warrior stone with a deeply compassionate energy that encourages us to face the world honestly & fearlessly
- Used to analyze our habits & patterns to see if they truly serve us
- Invites us to think before we act, & to take time to process & examine new information, before jumping to conclusions
- Encourages us to trust that everything is working out according to a higher Divine plan
- Helps to calm over-reactions & helps us to logically & intuitively explore emotional triggers & other erratic energies
- Soothes & balances hormonal fluctuations & helps ease all aspects of menstruation, fertility & childbirth

Moonstone – Green
Astrological Sign – Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Aids one to have more compassion towards others
- Elevates self-worth & self-love
- Encourages a sense of personal well-being
- Helps ground & stabilize emotions
- Balances feminine energies
- Aids one in finding their true personality
- Allows one to see the big picture
- Enhances intuitive sensitivity
- Connects one with Mother Earth
- Protects during pregnancy & childbirth
- Helps fight obesity
- Enhances passion, sensitivity, intuition, & physical abilities
- Promotes good fortune, abundance & luck

Moonstone – Peach
Astrological Sign – Pisces
Chakra – Sacral & Solar plexus
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Calms & brightens the emotions
- Helps improve self-image
- Lifts one’s vibration
- Helps open up to the feminine energy within
- Reminds one of their own worth & value
- Helps to perceive the positive in all situations
- Soothes the worry & the anxious
- Helps develop intuition & clairvoyance
- Helps one feel safe when exposing themselves, emotionally & physically
- Stimulates passion, creativity, self-discovery & self-expression
- Promotes dreams & automatic writing

Astrological Sign – Cancer
Chakra – Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 77
- A stone of intuition & insight
- Helps to balance the emotional body especially any aggressive behaviors
- Very soothing stone
- Relieves stress
- Used to protect those who travel on or by water
- Helps to prevent jet lag & provides safe travel
- Connects us to Divine Inspiration & channels it into our own intuition
- Enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities & freedom of expression
- Balances hormonal & menstrual cycles
- Alleviates nightmares & provide regular sleep patterns

Narmada Shiva Lingams
Astrological Sign – Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- The shape makes it a powerful energy generator appropriate for healing, a unique tool for meditation & cleansing
- A stone of insight, allows the user to recognize & let go of things (feelings, emotions, etc.) that no longer serve them or have been outgrown
- The lingam represents the center axis of life, connecting earth with universe
- Is symbolic of the Divine Creative Manifestation
- Representative of the power of Shiva, the Lord of Creation, & the masculine creative energy
- Also known as the yoni, symbolize the feminine energy, the seed which is fertilized to manifest the creative power in the dance of the cosmos

Nepheline Astrological Sign – Scorpio Chakra – Root, Sacral Numerical Vibration – 7

Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Known as the “Sorcerer’s Stone or Magician’s Stone”
- Protects from ill wishes & removes negative energies &/or imprints
- Assists with journeying, soul retrieval & encourages the release of what no longer serves as well as cord-cutting
- Use it to work through karmic debts as well as past life programming
- Enhances our intuition, increases luck & magic, assists in developing personal power, along with the psychic ability of clairvoyance
- Strong protective & grounding stone that draws its strength from the fiery energies of the Earth & is associated with the Earth Star Chakra to assist anyone who can’t ground traditionally with stone like jaspers
- Strengthens the aura, opens & activate the Chakras, to draw high vibrations through the Crown Chakra, then ground into the body through the Root Chakra
- Can help you connect to your true self & can help inspire creative ideas or solutions
- Physically it helps relieve stress, encourages better sleep by guarding from nightmares, & strengthens the kidneys & brain

Obsidian – Black
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius, Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Protects & grounds
- Guards against negativity & demanding people
- Protects from hostile entities & psychic “vampires”
- Allows one to consciously tap into your divine wisdom
- Helps embrace one’s intuition & inner knowing
- Helps release tension
- Clears blockages
- Use to detoxify
- Alleviates bleeding, increases blood circulation & helps with arthritic pain & joint discomfort
- Enables one to move forward in his/her life
- Helps in overcoming grief in times of sadness

Obsidian – Cobalt Blue
Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Root & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration –
- Helps with pets who are scatter brained
- Assists children with concentration
- A natural pain reliever
- Assist with de-stressing & brings calm & peace
- Psychic & self-protection from astral travel
- Helps us to prioritize a busy schedule
- Increases self-control
- Helps to see our self truthfully
- Release imbalances & negativity
- Supportive with change
- Dispels negativity & protects against it
- Increases psychic abilities & urges personal growth
- Brings clarity & strength to character

Obsidian – Green
Astrological Sign –
Chakra –
Numerical Vibration –

Obsidian – Golden Sheen
Astrological Sign – Scorpio, Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Helps clear, energize & balance the solar plexus & sacral Chakras
- Ideal for enhancing your direction & creating clarity of purpose in your life
- Assists in balancing & healing abuse from the past that is still being carried around in your emotional body
- Helps to acknowledge repetitive patterns & make a clear decision to remove the obstacles that keeps these patterns in motion
- Can help in aligning your will with Divine intent & connecting to the power of the Earth for healing purposes
- Keeps you safe from unwanted psychic influences, removing the hooks of negativity from your energy field & deflects dark forces from interfering with the higher good

Obsidian – Mahogany
Astrological Sign – Libra, Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Grounds & protects
- Brings strength in time of need
- Eliminates blockages, relieves tension & stimulates growth on all levels
- Use when you want to reclaim your power
- A stone of reflection
- Helps to show us what needs our attention in this moment
- Promotes self-acceptance & self confidence
- Aid in the decision making process
- Allows us to make significant changes in the most challenging areas of our lives
- Can increase or unlock sexual energy & vibrations, assists with being able to express yourself & desires with ease

Obsidian – Rainbow
Astrological Sign – Cancer
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Helps to alleviate fears at home/work that seem to overwhelm, or that we find we cannot overcome
- Can reverse a stint of bad luck & bring happiness & joy to the user
- Extremely grounding & protective stone
- Cleanses negative energies from all aspects of life, such as the environment & one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed & resentment
- Used for healing & releasing energy blockages & has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved
- Will assist you to reclaim your body on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually
- Brings you hope, illumination & energy into the most blocked & stagnant areas of the emotional body

Obsidian – Snowflake
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Virgo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 8
- A stone of purity
- Grounds & protects
- Helps us enter the dark to see the light giving us access to our shadow selves
- Balances body, mind & spirit
- Helps keep us centered & focused during any type of chaotic situation
- Removes negativity from a space or person with ease
- Helps to draw emotions to the surface & to examine harmful thought patterns
- Heals old karmic patterns to help in examining the root of harmful thought patterns to heal our soul
- Promotes a sense of calm & inner centering
- Cleanses negative energy, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment
- Heals & releases energy blockages
- Works quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved

Obsidian – Titanium Aura
Astrological Sign – Scorpio, Sagittarius
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration –
- Quiets the mind & comforts the body
- Black obsidian grounds & heals
- Absorbs negativity of all kinds
- Encourages deep meditation & spiritual attunement
- Inspires joy & positive energy
- Promotes strength & healing
- Attracts abundance
- Cleanses, clears & heals holes in the aura
- Has a high vibrational element
- Supports psychic & spiritual work such as mediumship & telepathy
- Releases energy blocks
- Charges all the Chakras in the body
- Restores harmony, balance & peace

Onyx – Black
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Leo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 6
- A powerful protection stone
- Absorbs & transforms negative energy, & helps to prevent the drain of personal energy
- Aids the development of emotional, physical strength & stamina
- Supports during times of stress, confusion or grief
- Encourages happiness & good fortune
- Helps one to become master of their own future
- Helps to hold physical memories, can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues

Onyx – Banded Green
Astrological Sign – Gemini, Virgo
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Brings strength & balance to the emotions
- Heals & strengthens the heart, both physically & emotionally
- Promotes happiness, good fortune, confidence, intuition, motivation, determination & communication
- Focusing & grounding
- Brings one to a calm emotional state
- Produces honesty & powerful realizations
- Dispels negative energy
- Allows you to stand up & face anxiety
- Support for public speakers, politicians, or actors who are always in front of society

Astrological Sign – Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio
Chakra – Varies by colour
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Opal aids in strengthening personal & business relationships
- Often referred to as the stone of happy dreams & changes
- Is a soothing stone, helping to balance mood swings & enhance trust in your own feelings
- Awakens both psychic & mystical qualities
- Can also release fear & send comforting support to those who are grieving
- Helps to improve the memory, ease the birthing process, cool a fever & fight infection

Opal – Pink
Astrological Sign – Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Is a compassionate & nurturing stone
- Encourages one to be their authentic self, without worrying what others think
- Calms anxious nerves, balances & centers emotions providing a sense of peace & tranquility.
- Helps to bring the joy back into your life
- Helps to get rid of old patterns that are no longer working for you
- Gives you insight into ways to help enhance your emotional, spiritual & intellectual self
- Stone of renewal
- Aides in your journey of self-acceptance & love
- Keeps you calm & centered
- Soothes irritated skin, helps with issues relating to the lungs, heart, liver & spleen

Astrological Sign – Cancer
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Removes energy blockages from the Chakras & meridians
- Helps you to deal with changes & transition of all kinds
- Promotes strength in verbalizing our hidden feelings
- Helps us to be successful in our business
- Stabilizes mood swings, depression, helps in overcoming fatigue &/or aggressive moods
- Helps to improve & help with our sexual experiences
- Improves communication on all levels especially spiritual
- Brings serenity & inner peace
- Stimulates originality & dynamic creativity
- Helps you to express your true self & realize your full potential

Ore – Peacock (Chalcopyrite)
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Taurus
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 9
- It’s a stone of creativity, flexibility & innovation
- Can be used to help find new friendships & lost items
- Helps to increase the creative processes & stimulates new ideas
- Can benefit those in the fashion, media, & sales industries, as well as those starting a new fitness regimen or martial arts program
- Helps us deal with fears of failure & poor self-esteem
- Enhances communication with the Universe & helps with mediation
- Can shield the wearer from the effects of lengthy medical treatments (such as chemotherapy)
- It’s a detoxifying stone
- May also help with inflammation, fevers, bronchitis & brain disorders

Orthoceras Stone
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Virgo
Chakra – Root, 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Connects us to ancient Earth & all the knowledge that it contains
- Offers up an abundance of life force energy which can be used in areas where we need it most
- Activates our root chakra by grounding us down to earth with ancient energy
- Push us on a path of transformation, from who we were, to who were are & to who we want to be
- Promotes new opportunities giving us a sense of purpose, wisdom, self-discipline, self-discovery
- Excellent tool to use during new beginnings & times of deep personal growth
- Protects & connects us with nature to allow communication with wild life
- Supports past life recall
- Reduces toxins, stress, & anxiety enhancing our physical body’s ability to remain balanced & healthy

Peristerite Astrological Sign – Charka – Crown, throat, heart Numerical Vibration – 9

Petrified Wood
Astrological Sign – Leo & Virgo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 5 & 77
- Brings wonderful healing energies to both physical & emotional issues
- Teaches us patience & helps us to understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection
- Its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical realm
- Great for city dwellers to keep the vibrations of nature near in the concrete jungle
- May take you back to connect with a time when your Spirit was cradled by Nature
- Encourages people to respect & look after their environment, to find ways to live simply, in harmony with the Spirit of the planet
- Physically is said to help all types of healing, & especially any issues associated with age, such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, & arthritis

Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Clears blockages & brings light into the subtle bodies, allowing for greater progress in one’s spiritual life
- Is a high vibration stone that is used by many healers in their energy work
- Activates & balances the Third-Eye & Solar-Plexus Chakras
- Stimulates the Pineal gland, thus enhancing one’s intuition & insight
- Be aware that power & strength are amplified with Pietersite & aids to release of any emotions that have been previously repressed
- Helps those working with deeply buried, past life issues that are creating conflicts in the present
- Protects one from bad weather conditions, especially while driving
- Calms nervous pets & their owners who are afraid of thunderstorms
- Promotes self-confidence in oneself & their abilities when wearing
- Helps one to find creative solutions to problems
- Facilitates a deep meditative state to the point of trances & out of body experiences, depending on the individual’s desires and experience

Astrological Sign – Libra, Virgo
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Known as the Stone of Prophecy
- Helps to boost prophetic abilities
- Enhances visualization & spiritual knowing
- Aids in connecting with higher realms such as your higher self as well as spiritual & extraterrestrial beings
- Promotes lucid dreaming, makes it easier to remember your dreams & helps to minimize nightmares
- Said to “Heal the healer”, use to revitalize your energy loss
- Use with energy grids to enhance protective fields, calm, & bring inner peace
- Helps to clear toxins from the body & balances the meridians
- Encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, & compassion
- Helps to remain true to self, uplift the spirit & find clarity of heart & mind

Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – all
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Protects & shields the user from negative energy of all kinds, deflects negative energies & also helps to release negative & inhibiting patterns of behavior
- Blocks energy leaks & mends auric tears
- Protects you from both environmental pollution & physical danger
- Promotes good physical health & emotional well-being
- Stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth & prosperity to the user
- Promotes creative energies of manifestation & it encourage one to follow their dreams
- Enhances one’s will during challenging times & supports the action necessary for personal growth & success
- Encourages greater frequency in moments of inspiration & its grounding action allows these higher frequencies to be grounded into the physical world
- Promotes good physical health & emotional well-being
- Helpful for any type of infection & can purify the systems of the body
- Increases feelings of vitality during times of hard-work or stress
- Balances one’s energetic fields

Quartz – Angel Aura
Astrological Sign – All signs
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Cleanses the aura
- Facilitates deeper & higher levels of meditation
- Aides with communication with Angels, Spirit Guides, & other Teachers
- Allows the user to clear away negativity that has previously been resistant
- Helps to gently raise energy levels in those who are feeling depleted
- Helps to release negative emotions such as resentment or grief
- Helps bring a deeper insight into relationships
- Wonderful stone for meditation, gridding, & healing work
- Helps turn negative or stressful situations into loving positive vibrations

Quartz – Clear
Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Most powerful & versatile healing stone
- Protects & cleanse the atmosphere against negativity
- Cleans, Balances, Opens & Activates all Chakras
- Cleans & amplifies the energy of all stones
- Aligns the subtle bodies
- Stimulates intention, psychic vision, awareness & ability
- Enhances and strengthens the Aura
- Attunes one to their higher-self
- Resonates strongly with the Soul Star Chakra (The 8Th Chakra)
- Assist the higher Chakras to emanate white light
- Revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes

Quartz – Faden
Astrological Sign – Aries & Scorpio
Chakra – Crown
Vibrational Energy – 2 & 88
- Aids with connection between 2 people, like healer & client
- Used to strengthen the “silver cord” between your astral & physical self while exploring astral travel
- Helps increase spiritual connection
- Offers a white light protection field around the outer body
- Assimilation of truth
- Enhancing spiritual growth & development
- It clears the meridians, calibrates the Chakras, & aligns mind, body & spirit

Quartz – Garden (LODOLITE)
Astrological Sign – Aquarius, Scorpio
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 3
- Has a beautiful vibration great for healing
- The clear quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions
- Inclusions can include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite & many other minerals that are green, cream, red, orange, & other colors
- Aides in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress
- Use while meditating to bring soothing guidance from spirit guides
- Is the “Stone of Power” & can help to amplify any energy or intention
- Also called the “Master Healer” & with the presence of the inclusions, it has wonderful healing abilities

Quartz – Golden Healer
Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 11
- Is a powerful healing crystal as it allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra
- Spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages & imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing
- The Golden Ray energy represents the Divine Spirit, Source & Creation
- A Master Healer, the Golden Healer is of the highest vibration.
- Its energy is powerful, yet gentle & soothing
- Used to raise the holder’s energy vibration or frequency, which facilitates spiritual communications over a long distance, including between worlds & dimensions
- Use on an altar or grid, to raise the frequency/vibration of your intent
- Enhances joy, peace & the spirit of Oneness

Quartz – Green
Astrological Sign – Aries, Libra & Pisces
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 6
- Helps transmute negative energies into positive ones
- Has a healing effect when worn
- Helps one to feel empathy & universal love for others which is a great stone for selfish or controlling people
- Promotes cooperation & tactful honesty
- Meditate with this stone to help bring up desired truths deep within the heart to be examined
- Good for the endocrine glands, adrenal glands, heart and lungs
- Known to attract prosperity & success & to stimulate one’s creativity

Quartz – Hematoid
Astrological Sign – Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Great for grounding & balance
- Assist in removing negative energy
- Transforms & transmutes negative energy into pure Universal love & light
- Balances mind, body & spirit
- Assists when Self Worth & Self Esteem are lacking
- Enhances focus & concentration
- Aides in calming anxieties, panic &/or hysteria
- Brings a unique clarity & understanding to the emotions, helping to understand the difference between an unconscious reaction & a conscious response
- Enhances focus & concentration & would be especially helpful for those with ADD & ADHD

Quartz – Lavender
Astrological Sign – Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Chakra – Solar Plexus, Heart
Numerical Vibration – 3 & 7
- Evokes the awesome power of unconditional love & compassion
- Shows us how to use feelings of love & acts of loving-kindness as a spiritual path
- Its energy is connected to all aspects of love – including self love, romantic love, friendship & family love, as well as community & global love
- Has a soothing & peaceful energy which can help to reduce daily worries as well as major emotional trauma
- Encourages us to make self-care a high priority
- Is said to be a stabilizing & strengthening stone for the physical heart as well as the brain
- Treats some forms of depression & anxiety

Quartz – Pink Himalayan
Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Also known as “Samadhi Quartz” have a lovely blush pink & are found only in high elevations in the Himalayan Mountains of India
- It has a “softer” vibration, & is a gentle energizer which is very helpful for those who find that Clear Quartz is too “heavy”
- Is a stone of self-discovery, transformation, self-empowerment & serenity
- It carries & radiates the warm, loving energy of the earth & stimulates the Heart Chakra in a profound way
- It offers deep spiritual cleansing & works as a guide through our journey of life & through periods of intense personal metamorphosis
- Is very light & heat sensitive & may fade with prolonged exposure to direct light
- Can be used to cleanse, amplify & recharge other crystals

Quartz – Rose
Astrological Sign – Libra & Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Fosters empathy, reconciliation & forgiveness of others
- Clears out anger, jealousy & resentment of others
- Used to heal ailments of the thymus, heart & lungs
- Helps heal breast cancer & other types of cancer
- Aides in circulatory, adrenal gland, spleen & kidney issues, alleviates vertigo, asthma & varicose veins
- Balances the sex drive
- Help heal a broken heart allowing release of pent up emotions & grief
- Helps with Alzheimer’s/dementia, PTSD, migraines, infertility, pain relief, PMS, neck health & kidney disorders

Quartz – Rutilated
Astrological Sign – Gemini, Libra, Taurus
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 6
- Needle-like pieces of titanium dioxide that are also known as “The Hairs of Venus”
- Clears energy blockages from all of the chakras & attunes one to their Divine Purpose
- Brings physical & mental balance & stability
- Enhances self-reliance & helps with decision-making
- Use as a link between the Root & Crown Chakras, or to get to the “root” of a problem
- Visualization is very important when programming this stone, the holder must vividly imagine themselves within the energies moving along the individual Rutile Crystals within the Quartz
- Once accomplished, this Crystal will powerfully amplify the program & continue to send it out into the universe
- Helps to discern the positive or negative vibes or motives of a person, place, or thing
- It’s an uplifting stone, infusing joy into one’s life & surrounding environment
- Connects us to higher realms, spirit guides & the Divine
- Enhances psychic abilities & promotes greater concentration & clarity

Quartz – Smokey
Astrological Sign – Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 2 & 8
- Helps ground the holder with Earth energies
- Absorbs & transmutes negative energy
- Balances & protects the energy field
- Intensifies healing or spiritual growth
- A powerful stone to use for physical healing
- Removes energy blockages & helps one to move forward in life
- Enhances the energy of anyone wearing it
- Enhances the energy of other stones/crystals
- Opens the mind & heart to higher guidance
- Has a vibe that helps to facilitate the transformation of dreams into reality

Quartz – Strawberry
Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Can be soothing & calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment
- Carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, & seizing the day
- Has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude & generosity & can radiate those vibrations outward
- Assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions & the subtle energy bodies
- An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, it can help one to gain insights into one’s persona & inspiration regarding how to improve on it
- Is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge
- Use as an aid/companion during meditation or journeying
- Activates will, astral projection & travel, dream interpretation & recall

Quartz – Tourmalated
Astrological Sign – Libra & Scorpio
Chakra – All
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Has the grounding & deflection of negative energy found in Tourmaline, as well as the energy amplification & consciousness raising ability of Quartz
- Helps bring balance to Yin/Yang energies & is used as a good luck charm
- Is exceptional at blocking & transmuting negativity, making it wonderful for releasing fear & worry
- Protects our energy field & clears away electromagnetic pollution
- Known as the master healer
- Promotes focus, manifestation & spiritual growth
- Helps us avoid picking up negative vibrations from the environment or other people
- Is great for energy healing sessions & grid work
- Protects against psychic attacks & energetic vampires & acts as a purifying agent to clear our auric field of anything that does not serve us

Que Sera
Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration –
- Has a positive & uplifting energy that will lift you when you are feeling down
- Unique vibration can stimulate all chakras at once
- Helps keep the physical & mental bodies fully energized & in balance
- Shields against Wi-Fi emanations & other electromagnetic pollutants & geopathogens
- Increases clairaudient & psychic communication abilities & may be called upon to bring in aid from beings in the higher realms
- It soothes as it elevates & helps calm episodes of rage, lessening panic disorders, or overcoming depression
- Uplifting for those who feel sorry for themselves or feel isolated & lonely
- It’s a transformational talisman for freeing the emotional body & empowering the spirit
- Its resonance balances & recharges the meridians & organs of the subtle & physical bodies & is a superb tool for manifesting maximum well-being

Astrological Sign – Leo & Scorpio
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Wonderful stone to use when working with the Heart Chakra & relationships
- Those dealing with loss will find a deep love within this stone
- Brings repressed emotions to the surface to be acknowledged, addressed, & released, allowing for much personal growth to take place
- Promotes self-forgiveness, self-love & compassion
- Clears the Root & Solar Plexus Chakras
- Improves self-worth, attracts love, & relieves emotional stress
- Can help those stuck in any phase of the grief process, by clearing out negative vibrations from the middle chakras
- Brings much-needed love into the world
- Used for repairing the subtle bodies & for reclaiming lost gifts
- Heals the heart, adjusts imbalances in the circulatory & nervous systems, relieves migraines, & clears up infections & helps with sexual issues
- Heals past events that cause one to suppress their gifts

Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Cleanses one of old emotional wounds & scars from the past
- Protects & balances energy
- Promotes self-love, self-confidence, self-acceptance & self-healing
- Encourages forgiveness, compassion, passion & patience
- Aids emotional healing of relationship problems
- Clears away resentment & anger, & helps find forgiveness
- Helps family bitterness to heal
- Infiltrates a harmonious emotional balance
- Generates compassion with a fully open heart
- Restores depleted physical energy back to the body
- Can assist one in discovering one’s true passion

Ruby – Kyanite
Astrological Sign –
Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration – 66
- A strong powerful stone that will help bring dreams into reality while releasing old patterns that are not for our highest good
- Helps reveal what one needs in order to stay balanced & protected from all negativity, together they surround you with peaceful vibrations, allowing you to manifest your heart’s desire
- Acts as a nurturing stone with healing & positive effects on the emotions
- Protects against the loss of heart energy & dissolves emotional congestion
- Helps us to see the true nature of love, & reveals the Divine Love in everything in the Universe
- Helps you open up to & receive Divine Love, as well as become a vehicle through which Divine Love can flow to others
- Helps to gather & amplify energy, aiding in opening the doorway to spiritual knowledge

Ruby – Zeosite
Astrological Sign –
– Aquarius, Aries
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Contains both the properties of fiery Ruby & earthy Zoisite
- Enhances psychic abilities & aids in the communication of spirit guides
- Amplifies your spirituality & engages the body’s own energy field
- Helps you to maintain your individuality while still being part of the world around you
- Keeps you from over-reacting to difficult situations & prevents mood swings
- Transmutes negative energy into the positive
- Helpful during the grieving process, allows you to release that pain & sorrow & gain spiritual comfort
- Calms a racing heartbeat while maintaining the body’s equilibrium, especially during times of stress
- Relieves inflammation & promotes strength in the immune system, heart & lungs, heals problems with the reproductive organs & increase fertility, both in men & women

Selenite – Desert Rose
Astrological Sign – Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 11
- Known as the “The Rejuvenator”
- Relieves stress
- Improves will power
- Assists with cutting auric cords when releasing people from the past
- Heals relationships
- Great for meditation
- Clarity of mind
- Enhances physical energy
- Opens & clears the upper Chakras
- Said to contain Spirit Guardians
- Are useful as protective talismans & can increase your own self-confidence & self-worth

Selenite – Peach
Astrological Sign – Cancer & Taurus
Chakra – Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Promotes mental clarity
- Enhances consciousness
- Clears blockages in the aura
- Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body
- Ideal for purification & energetic cleansing
- Directs high frequency energy into the body, stimulating spiritual, physical & emotional healing
- Opens the inner self to the spiritual world
- Magnifies the energy of whatever is placed on it many times over (including other crystals)
- Adds positive intentions into the energy body
- Acts as a tool for enlightenment as it creates a link between spirit & matter
- Can induce lucid dreaming & can help you recall your dreams more easily & understand the messages that they are bringing to you

Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chakra – Crown & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Protects & shields from outside influences
- Can evoke angelic protection
- Dispels negative energy
- Helps to connect with guides, guardians & higher self
- Calms & soothes bringing deep peace & tranquility
- Brings mental clarity, clearing confusion & revealing the bigger picture
- Removes energy blocks from physical & Etheric bodies
- Can reverse the effect of free radicals
- Heals & repairs body on a cellular level

Astrological Sign – Taurus
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 66
- Great stone for public speaking, promoting confidence & gaining the public’s attention
- Grounds, supports & strengthens
- Allows for better tolerance & patience
- Allows for emotional flexibility
- Use during meditation to help the body focus on underlying health issues & to heal the body
- Can absorb your energy when held over a period of time & transmits that energy into strength when needed
- Project tenacity & courage
- Helps stop feeling of being lost, afraid or unwanted

Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Named for its connectivity to the highest choir of angels
- Offers some spiritually beneficial energies to all those who encounter it
- A stone of light energy, pulling higher vibrations into the subtle bodies, making it an important stone for those working on the ascension process
- Can infuse each of the chakras with divine energies
- Can be uplifting for those experiencing a re-actional depression & can help those who lack purpose to discover their place in the universe
- Can be used by experienced, spiritual adepts to raise the Kundalini energies up along the spinal column
- Brings light energy into the DNA, for accelerated healing
- Aids with the delivery & assimilation of vitamins/minerals in the various organs of the body, enhances weight loss & the detoxification use to ward off the chills or for fighting an infection

Astrological Sign – Gemini
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 8
- Helps to clear out & release the clouded/dense areas of all chakras so that healing can occur
- A wonderful healing stone, heals on all levels mental, emotional, and physical
- Forms a unique connection to promote healing in the way that is best for each individual
- Can be used to attract/manifest what you want into your life
- Promotes abundance on all levels, prosperity, love, healing, etc
- It aligns your intent with the Heart Chakra & Source energy
- Helps to create an opening so that the Kundalini energy may travel &helps lesson the discomfort
- Enhances the meditative state & retrieval of ancient wisdom

Shiva Shell
Astrological Sign – Pisces
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 5
- Also known as the “Eye of Shiva”
- Eyes in general are a symbol of protection as to ward off the “Evil Eye”
- Balances male female energies
- The coil represents the flow of life
- The spiral shape represents infinity making birth, regeneration, marriage & fertility strengthened
- It symbolizes the movement towards your life path
- Coming from the sea, this shell has ocean-like soothing, comforting & serene vibes & brings peace of mind & relaxation
- Known to protect wearers from all forms of negativity
- Helps to concentrate the mind, & aid in decision-making
- Is believed to bring good luck, balance & fortune
- Physically, this stone is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen & leukemia issues

Astrological Sign – Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Absorbs & shields the body from electromagnetic emissions such as those caused by electronics
- Absorbs negative energy & removes it from a person or even an entire space
- Replaces stress & negative emotions into positive energy
- Keeps the user grounded & protected
- Removes negativity & will also rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses & free radicals
- Detoxifies the body, bolster the immune system & relieves pain & inflammation
- Can ease headaches & insomnia
- Helps with a variety of issues & ailments, from asthma & arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatic conditions & cardiovascular disease
- Shungite is a hard-working, no-nonsense mineral. It needs to be recharged & cleansed on a regular basis in order to continue its work

Sodalite -Blue
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius
Chakra – Throat & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 4
- Enhances psychic abilities, intuition & spiritual growth
- Protects against psychic attacks & negative energy
- Encourages self-confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, & self-acceptance
- Balances emotions
- Clears electromagnetic pollution
- Eases anxiety, panic attacks, mental confusion & fear/phobias
- Strengthens immune system, eases insomnia & balances metabolism
- Cleanses the Auric Field of any blockages & the heart of any negative feelings
- Releases old conditioning & programming
- Brings inner peace & a sense of calmness to the mind

Astrological Sign – Gemini, Virgo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 5 & 6
- Grounds so works well with lower Chakras
- Helps to balance male & female energies & increases vitality when you need it most
- Is known to help you weigh the good & the bad in difficult situations
- Can ease the transition period, especially when changing jobs
- Can increase our psychic qualities to allow information to come in more clearly
- Helps us to better be able to discern reality from illusion or deception
- May help with problems associated with male & female reproductive systems, increase libido & energy
- Protects the immune system & alleviates infections & fevers

Super 7
Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – All 7
Numerical Vibration – 5, 9 & Sacred 7
- It is a combination of seven minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, & Smoky Quartz
- It never needs cleansing or energizing
- Known as a “flambeau” mineral, known to exhibit tiny flames of “fire” also known as the phenomenon of St. Elmo’s Fire
- It produces electromagnetic waves & assists one in seeing auras & in maintaining the connection between the physical & ethereal planes
- It’s being used as the nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, embracing karma, causation & the potential for reincarnation
- Assists one to understand & facilitate change in ones thinking in order to set in motion new laws allowing peace, harmony, & love to guide & govern ones being

Astrological Sign – Leo, Libra
Chakra – Sacral
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Clears & energizes all Chakras
- Brings light to all situations
- Once known as a stone of good luck
- Carries joyful energy that increases vitality & lightens dark moods
- Helps empower those who feel persecuted or abandoned by others
- Instills confidence, optimism, encouraging motivation & positive action
- Useful in removing energy draining ties or “hooks” into your energy by other people
- Balances the power between the physical, psychic & spiritual attributes
- Brings powerful energy to enhance intuition
- Illuminates the truth
- Connects one with their animal guides & spirit guides
- Assist one in self-nurturing

Astrological Sign – Virgo
Chakra – Crown
Numerical Vibration – 2, 3, 7
- Major spiritual stone which promotes individual as well as universal love
- Aids in understanding the “big questions” in life
- Allows the user to understand the purpose for their existence & the reason for their life lessons
- Promotes self forgiveness & acceptance
- Helps one to release anger & rage, helping one to recognize struggles as necessary for ones growth
- Great for dreamwork, can be held during sleep to help release nightmares, bringing one to a truly restful, regenerative sleep state
- Especially good for empaths, it can offer energetic protection from outside negative energies
- Enhances one’s healing & psychic abilities
- Aids to lesson learning disabilities like dyslexia & helps with more serious disorders such as Schizophrenia & Autism
- Aids with addictions & eating disorders, headaches, migraines or any type of pain issues

Astrological Sign –
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 0.1 to 30THz
- Grounds & balances
- Brings strength, stamina, & the power to achieve whatever you desire
- Is believed to stabilize you financially & help you prosper
- It makes you sensitive to the needs of other people & can pave the way for finding solutions to problems there might be in the relationship
- Protects from negative thoughts & energies & harmful electromagnetic radiation
- Has the power to resonate with the frequency of your mind & body
- Ability to stimulate your brain cells & balance the functioning of the left & right sides of the brain for a harmonious relation
- Brings new ideas, new inventions & innovations into your life & stirs your creative side
- Helps you manifest your deepest thoughts & desires
- Known to break cycles of repetitive & vicious thoughts, bringing in positive vibes & emotion

Tiger’s Eye – Blue
Astrological Sign – Leo, Capricorn
Chakra – 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 9
- Reduces stress, increases calm & eases anxiety
- Can illuminate issues that may have been difficult to see otherwise
- Helps to open, clear & align the mid to higher range Chakras
- Assist in speaking with clarity & acting from a place of integrity
- Helps to overcome fears especially public speaking
- & flying
- Provides insight into internal conflicts & emotional or mental issues
- Balances the male/female, Yin/Yang energies
- Use to increase all forms of psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, astral travel & remote viewing
- Can be used in prosperity rituals around a candle, or in manifestation grids
- Encourages emotional balance, aids in fatigue & depression, cools an overactive sex drive, & heals on a metabolic level

Tiger’s Eye
Astrological Sign – Leo & Capricorn
Chakra – Sacral & Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 8
- Protecting & grounding
- Brings love, good luck & personal power
- Promotes empowerment, self-confidence, will power & clear thinking & insight
- Guards against ill wishes from others, removes fear & dispels anxiety
- Stimulates integrity, practicality, courage & grace
- Helps with mood swing
- Balances yin/yang
- Offers strength & vitality
- Encourages proper function of the endocrine system
- Provides balance to those experiencing mental disorders
- Draws spiritual energy down to Earth
- Helps to center the person
- Brings brightness & optimism to any situation
- Stone for the mind, not for the body

Tiger’s Eye – Red
Astrological Sign – Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 4 & 5
- Provides motivation to the non-motivated & energizes those who are feeling lethargic
- Stimulates motivation & a more active sex drive
- Enhances confidence, creativity & self-esteem
- Connects Kundalini & Hara Lines at the base & perineum Chakras
- Aids in drawing Earth energy into the body & Chakra system
- Increases life force energy, raises the Kundalini and offers protection
- Helps to break down energy blocks
- Helps one to see the “Bigger picture” & will help you think outside the box when looking for solutions to problems & then put them into action
- Increases optimism particularly in depressive people
- Calming stone that helps reduce anger & irritability particularly in men

Tiger Iron
Astrological Sign – Leo
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 7
- Readers & Healers should keep a piece close to them to remain grounded, balanced & centered during a session
- Promotes physical vitality, energy, & stamina
- Full of grounding Earth energy & powerful lower Chakra stone
- Perfect companion for those who tend to take on others feelings & emotions (whether consciously or unconsciously)
- Helpful aid to those who feel emotionally, mentally or physically exhausted & burned out
- Helpful in manifesting ideas into reality & giving personal strength in times of change
- Great stone to use for creative solutions & ideas to help musicians, artists, actors, & writers find their pursuits
- Supreme healing stone, encouraging the remembrance of perfection within the cells & can be laid upon any affected areas to bring improvement
- Can assist those who have chemical or noise sensitivities, relieve stress & aid in soothing fractures, cramps & aching muscles

Tourmaline – Black
Astrological Sign – Sagittarius & Capricorn
Chakra – Root
Numerical Vibration – 3 & 4
- Grounds, balances, harmonizes & protects all Chakras
- Helps to relieve stress, anxiety, tension, obsession & paranoia
- Enhances insight & visions
- Deflects Negative Energy
- Repels Lower Frequencies
- Activates a Force Field Around Aura
- Shields Against Psychic Attacks
- Protects against electromagnetic smog
- Strengthens the immune system
- Balances left & right hemispheres of the brain
- Detoxify the body
- Helpful with illness like bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia & pleurisy
- Assist with pain relief of arthritis, regeneration of torn muscles & realigns the spinal cord

Tourmaline – Green
Astrological Sign – Capricorn
Chakra – Heart
Numerical Vibration – 6
- Often used to attract money & success by encouraging one to release inhibitions & reach for their true desires
- Aids in connecting one to the cycles of life, which can be of great assistance in planning & implementing new projects
- Great aid for those who enjoy working with various aspects of nature & it has often been placed in gardens to encourage plant growth
- Connects you with the nature spirits
- Encourages strength & vitality
- Metaphysically is a protective stone which is said to balance & harmonize the chakras
- Can have a healing effects on the physical heart & can focus its healing energies to clear the aura & removing blockages
- Is very grounding & helpful in releasing stress & tension
- Is thought to balance yin/yang energies, as well as the left & right hemispheres of the brain

Tourmaline – Pink
Astrological Sign – Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Chakra – Root & Heart
Numerical Vibration – 9 & 99
- Brings cognitive awareness & experience of Universal Love
- Bringing strength during any trials in one’s life
- Excellent for connecting with the Earth on an emotional level
- Illuminates the connection between the Earth & Humanity
- Helps to balance & calm
- Brings strength, courage & conviction to endeavors that are based on Love
- Helps to gain courage to overcome issues that hold the heart hostage, such as abusive relationships & negative work situations
- Brings emotional support during the transition of breaking free from the destructive patterns that no longer serve us
- Facilitates emotional healing from loss, breakups & childhood trauma
- Can welcome love & joy back into the heart

Tourmaline – Yellow
Astrological Sing – Leo, Libra
Chakra – Solar Plexus
Numerical Vibration – 1, 4, 33
- Encourages love, gently disperses emotional pain & dissolves disruptive feelings
- It calms the negative emotions that upset relationships
- It purifies the owners energy, acts like an electromagnet drawing out destructive energies & negative vibrations
- Aids in self-awareness & introspection, which in turn aids in spiritual development
- Purifies the physical, mental, & spiritual aspects of one’s being
- Brings joy, happiness, & optimism
- Promotes creativity & mental clarity
- Helpful for those who suffer from anxiety or depression
- Boosts the immune system, promotes detoxification, thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce pain & swelling
- Helps alleviate menstruation’s physical & emotional effects by balancing emotions & relieving discomfort

Astrological Sign – All
Chakra – 3rd Eye, Crown, Throat
Numerical Vibration – 7
- An excellent stone for meditation, allowing access to inner wisdom & mental clarity in challenging or emotional situations
- It is also believed to dissolve spiritual barriers, providing a calming energy to facilitate the process
- Most useful during moon rituals, vision rituals, & bringing your dreams to reality
- Helps to inspire ideas & develop plans to implement your visions
- Believed to encourage our human self to move more in alignment with our Soul & its Purpose
- Known as an ascension stone & a stone for manifesting & healing deep within the cellular level
- Soothing stone, lowers stress, anxiety, hypertension, relieves headaches & ulcers

Astrological Sign – Scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces
Chakras – Throat, Heart 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 1
- Fosters honest & clear communication from the heart
- Provides solace for the spirit & well-being for the body
- Provides strength & purification
- Brings good fortune
- Protects against the powers of the darkness
- Brings peace of mind, love & luck
- Provides protection against psychic attacks & dispels negative energies
- Symbol of wisdom, nobility & the power or immortality
- One the oldest stones in man’s history
- Used by ancient Shamans in ceremonies
- Many ancient civilizations all used turquoise in sacred adornments & for power, luck & protection

Astrological Sign – Scorpio
Chakra – Heart & 3rd Eye
Numerical Vibration – 9
- Balances emotional & spiritual bodies
- Provides a gentle release of energy blocks
- Use for past-life regression therapy
- Increases spiritual insight from higher realms
- Grounding, protecting & healing
- Brings a calming influence to any environment
- Good for the reproductive system, healthy pregnancies & healthy development of unborn babies
- Protects against electromagnetic pollution from electronics
- Helps to recover from trauma or major illnesses
- Transforms anger & fear into positive constructive energies

Unicorn Stone
Astrological Sign – Libra
Chakra – Heart, Crown, Root
Numerical Vibration – 2
- Lepidolite Calming stone with natural Lithium inclusions that helps with anxiety, insomnia, fear, or polarized emotions
- Pink Tourmaline Stone of love, compassion, emotional healing, empathy, humanitarianism, & self-love
- Smokey Quartz Grounds, is a natural filter for dense, scary, or negatively perceived energy
- Cleavelandite Helps us stay present in the moment & move safely through challenging circumstances, or times of profound change. Helps focus on the life affirming positive changes that arises out of facing difficult situations
- Promotes calm, stillness, joy, empathy, positivity, & safety
- Helps to release pent up fear, anxiety, & tension that we may be holding onto & opening our heart to what the world will bring us

Astrological Sing –
Chakra – Root & Crown
Numerical Vibration –
- Stimulates the intuitive abilities of the third eye chakra whilst attuning one to the higher realms accessible through the crown
- Excellent for astral travel & lucid dreaming
- Known to calm the nerves during times of stress
- Can guide one to take positive action
- Can be useful in treating respiratory disorders & has been used to calm fevers
- Brings support & courage, while strengthening tolerance & overall encouragement towards gaining a sense of belonging
- Connects the lower self to the higher self, allowing the being to step through life with not only a suitable grounding, but also with a heightened awareness

Astrological Sign –
Chakra – Throat
Numerical Vibration –
- Known as “stone of truth” it allows us to recognize & express our feelings objectively
- Releases anger & negative thoughts
- Helps to fight your fears & phobias
- Helps creates a clear & perceptive mind to find inner peace
- Stimulates self-acceptance & self-confidence
- Prevents water retention & improves cellular hydration, while promoting the regulation of blood pressure & heart rate
- Relieves symptoms of menopause, reduces inflammation, fever, headaches, sinus infections & muscle tension
- Useful in the treatment of the throat, vocal cords & larynx to relieve hoarseness & laryngitis